Are men under 180cm even viewed human today? (keep in mind that would mean 90% of world population is not human)
over for short passport bros
If only 14.5% are over 6 feet, why don’t the 85.5% of men below 6 feet don’t stand up against heightism? Are they stupid?
5’4 short king (27M) "Wow you look so good wanna go on a date, and btw how tall are you"... Sad this man is a chadlite but doesnt matter girls will still reject him cause of something he cant control...
5’4 short king (27M)
Medium Men Hate on Short Guys More than Tall People Do
A life story that is kinda funny sad and sad at the same time.
5'9 (Me) (4'11) (5'5) 5'9 is more than enough imo a lot of options.
5'9 (Me) (4'11) (5'5)
should i just end it
What are the most popular teams in euroleague in terms of instagram followers?
Shortman diary: contemplating giving up on dreams
race pill is as brutal as height pill. Basically 2 worst things that can happen, that we cant control sadly.
Even when the short guys gets good looking girls, ofc he gotta look like Brad Pitt "Lethal" looks or gg.
Do you guys want children? Me personally no I don't want to ruin someone's life based on a thing he can't control. Even if I did height surgery my genes would stay the same. 💔
Short guys be like:
Height surgery for the win?
Tall dudes when it comes to having a "GOOD" personality according to 99% of girls. (They have rxpe cases homicides and are literal serial k1llers) and ofc they are just funny naturally :).
Let's put an end to this mess
"I dont care about height" How tall is ur bf? "Oh hes 6'2, and the 3 exes of mine were 6'0 6'1 and 5'11 and im 5'0, yeah but i dont care about height, its just so "happens"
4'11 girls when it comes to marrying 6'0+ dudes resulting in short children who are in this SUB RIGHT NOW! Gang where ya at?
Even Adriana Lima said it man its totally over. The most common used phrase today "if hes under 180cm hes... subhuman not a man p@ssy etc etc etc...
I won the lottery until a few days ago and I didn't know...
How cooked am I?
180+ cm dudes when it comes to saying "height doesnt matter" "get confident" "find a short girl bro" to short guys.
So have surgeries worldwide stopped due to Precice?