Finn and Sean
Looks like Sean was a late-bloomer
Sam or Dean in bed?
El primer X-Men argentino ES BOSTERO
What's a character you used to like on your first playthrough of the franchise, but started to like less, or even straight up dislike them in a replay?
Me and my little brother are real life Sean and Daniel
Who is the most physically fit Normandy crew mate?
Just gonna address the elephant in the room
Weekly chat - Anything goes!
What is Sola’s biggest flaw?
Dreading an Origins replay because of the combat
The Mass Effect 10 questions
Did everyone know?
What do you think Kaidan is referring to when he talks about red sand in Huerta?
voy a morir sola porque me causan rechazo los varones p*jeros?
Who is your Mass Effect “hear me out” character?
La cuarentena los hizo mierda?
Hello everyone!
Am I the only one who likes this outfit for Broshep? I've seen a lot of people say they hate it but I think it's cool and kinda sexy, it's the only outfit that lets him show some skin.
You're Loustat's neighbour. Are you moving out or not?
Who would you say is THE best romance for FemShep? 💖
A que se refieren los hombres cuando dicen que quieren una novia que "no rompa las pelotas"?
Bob Morley Reveals 'Brutal' Body Dysmorphia, Past Eating Disorder: 'It’s Unrelenting'
My truth as a Latino
Luciano Costa (aka Kaidan Alenko) shared his Cameo on the main sub if anyone is interested
Luciano Costa (aka Kaidan Alenko) here... check out my new Cameo!