Wally should’ve been the main flash in season 4
Thawne won made to be hated now who’s the hot one?
Rag Doll as season villain in The Flash
Cicada Comics x Show
This was one of the scariest villains of the week of the whole show
Even though(and it’s the same with thawne’s suit) it’s comic accurate
Julian Albert was wasted when he could have been so much more
Why didn’t they make Flash the leader of your team throughout the show?
Just started watching
Speedforce was right when in season 2 it reported that Barry doesn’t value his speed
Barry could defeat any villain with Flashtime
How did Iris become the leader of the Flash team out of nowhere?
Time Flash completely ignores how smart Barry is and only finds him enough due to his speed
Would you guys like if Grant was the flash in the new dcu?
The Flash got more comical from season 4?
Savitar was probably the sexiest guy in The Flash
The official finale of The Flash should be the last episode of the 3rd season
Is this the most underrated speedsteer?
If you could move almost as fast as the Flash what would you do with your powers?
this is DOODOO
Wally West in 3x13 TV
Barry and Iris looked like brothers throughout the 2nd season of the show
The 2ª Season of The Flash would be better if they hadn’t put Wally West