Spent a long time with this one. Lets see more of your Envoys! :)
What are the differences between INFP and ENFP?
I need help finding a good game to play
Curious what do you preffer over Re3 remake than Re2 Remake?
Is the Xbox Series S enough or should I buy an Xbox Series X?
Which online game comes to mind?
3 best games for Series S available on game pass
I finished my first ever Resident Evil game in 6 hours on assisted
Giving everyone a job in my imaginative company
Curious, what is a hot take about your favorite video game franchise you have that will have you like this?
Let's get serious! Why do you think that Bioshock 2 is a low-tier sequel in the series? I'm HONESTLY curious as to why!
Rdr2 or re4?
Opening levels in games that made an impression and are well remembered
Not saying I would, but I totally would
Whatever is your favorite game, try to summon the whole fandom with only one quote from that game
Назови свою любимую игру не называя её
Anyone played Callisto Protocol?
Cyberpunk ultimate edition vs mass effect legendary (or RDR2)?
Any DLC worth buying for BL3?
What's like to Date an ENFP Man? Do they take their Relationship Seriously? ( As they're known as Free-spirited).
How many games have you played already this year?
Far Cry 5 or Far Cry 6?
How much money do you need to live in Russia?Renting an apartment, food, transportation, entertainment. How much do you spend in general?
How does Valhalla compare to origins and Odyssey?
AC4: Black Flag Remake Combat system