How did you discover JM?
$5 million but every time you sneeze you lose a week of your life
Go back to the age of 5 knowing everything you know now
If you could only play one game
Golf+ ruins my real golf swing but it's fun
What Movie Did You Watch that Traumatized You at a Young Age?
To the real boxers
what is a seemingly cheap hobby that quickly becomes very expensive to continue doing?
My first Eagle
Clearing up the Soto contract for everyone
This game is indescribable
25.6 HCP / 2.5 years golfing. any advice?
Magnet border transfers between fridge and freezer perfectly
Any tips or pointers? 26 handicap
The one thing in three seasons that bugged me (spoilers)
The whistle
Update: WTF is this?
Men of Reddit with Vasectomies, how was it? Do you regret it? If not, has sex been better or worse since having one?
Can someone drop doom super shotgun for me? 20$ reward!
Adapter snapped
What’s your John Mayer related “Roman Empire”?
It was like a side scroller arena shooter it was online
Side scroller
Men of Reddit, what’s better than blowjob ?